Thursday, June 19, 2008

We Are Back

Sorry, work, family, and other commitments left little time to keep up
with the blogging although I continued to listen.

Look for a full weekend of posting starting Friday at 8.

Sent from my iPod


Steve said...

Damn! I thought there hadn't been any crime over the past 10+ days!

meg said...

Welcome back! Hope everything got resolved happily during your busy week :-)

Butternut said...

As someone who understands the pressure of having thousands of people awaiting your every word, wait a minute, I have a blog that I haven't even posted on in over 2 months, I am a nobody, who cares what I have to say. DAMN BLOGGERS!

I am always amazed at the dedication you have to the C.U.C.B. site and I myself even began to wonder if real life was getting in the way, or, was crime actually down in Uptown.

Silly rabbit am I. It is getting to the point where, when I hear a loud bang/pop/crash, I go to this site for info. I guess I could actually buy a scanner myself, but where is the fun in that?

Anonymous said...

Don't ever let you family overtske your obligation to update this blog. How are we supposed to know when a bum is pooping in an alley? J/K

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

any word on that disturbance on leland between beacon and malden last night? i watched from 12-12:30, but they seemed to move over to the malden side when the cops showed up...then i saw flashing lights...anybody see what happened?

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

Hooo! Welcome back guys.

Anonymous said...

"any word on that disturbance on leland between beacon and malden last night? i watched from 12-12:30, but they seemed to move over to the malden side when the cops showed up...then i saw flashing lights...anybody see what happened?"

I know at least a few people called 911, myself included. I live at that intersection and am fortunately moving out of the area in a little over a week. It's been a hotspot of prositution, drug dealing, and gang violence since I moved in a year ago.

I admire your guys' diligence in working toward building a better, safer Uptown. I admire that you are bearing through the hard times and sticking it out here, either because you decided to or because you have no other choice. I'd say keep fighting and visible, but I know y'all will regardless of what I write here. I know even after I move, I'll be roaming across UCB and Uptown Update to see what's going on in the 'ol 'hood!