Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Traffic Control

Just another issue to deal with. Police contending with rush hour
traffic in the neighborhood, while trying to retain the integrity of
the crime scene.

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Crime scene on Leland between Malden and Magnolia. Sounds like plenty
of witnesses all giving a positive of on one shooter police still
looking for the other one.

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Police Looking

Police are looking for a yellow construction hat worn by one of the
shooters it fell off when he fled.

Police recall seeing the hat near the scene nut note that it is
missing now.

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Leland and Malden the Crime Scene

Detectives on the radio making sure nobody taken into custody is
allowed to wash their hands.

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Victim Going to Hospital

Victim on way to hospital in critical condition. One shooter in
custody at 1255 Wilson.

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Shots Fired

Beacon and Leland person hit. Two shooters fled north on Beacon.

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