Monday, August 18, 2008

Person Shot

Black male shot in the leg ambulance on the way. 809 Grace is the
crime scene. Victim shot in the upper right thigh being transported to
Illinois Masonic.

Sent from my iPod


Nadmenny Millicent said...

No comments. Huh. I guess the world does not exist outside of Uptown. This is still part of the 23rd District.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this in front of the low income "coop" that had the fire?

Anonymous said...

Isn't this in front of the low income "coop" that had the fire?

Nadmenny Millicent said...

I believe the co-op is 820 W. Grace

Anonymous said...

This blog Is Dead.. Move along folks

Anonymous said...

a man and a woman just got cuffed at JJ Peppers. Anyone have any idea what happened? We saw it as we were driving by. That place is a blight.

Anonymous said...

No kidding 7:16. Posting a sentence every 2 weeks doesn't do anything.

jcrw said...

what a shame.. i volounteered to help out in this blog and i did not even get a response.

Anonymous said...

So did I JJ Man!No response!
All the things going on, and people willing to help, yet no one responded to me either!
For some odd reason, everytime I see something happen, I go here to get the "scoop."
Have not seen a post in weeks.
It's sad.

jcrw said...

I'm just hoping for the best, regards to the blogger and in good hands. Maybe he's just too busy with something.