Saturday, April 5, 2008


12:18 Lawrence and Lake Michigan
Alien burial site turned out to be a rock in the ground.

12:20 4701 Magnolia
Shots fired 3 shots heard, one call so far.

12:21 Leland and Malden
Another call shots fired.

12:22 Leland and Malden
Another call shots fired caller heard screaming as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what buildings are the ones at Malden and Leland and Magnolia and Leland that cause all the problems? At Malden - the one on the Southwest corner? At Magnolia - the one on the Northwest Corner? I'm just trying to get an idea of what is going on over there? It seems like its a pretty peaceful street whenever I wander around there. How frustrating is this for other neighbors since the rest of the area is really nice?