Friday, June 27, 2008

Death Investigation

8:52 1207 Leland male age 35 dead found dead of undetermined causes.

Sent from my iPod


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what happened?

jcrw said...

The blogger was the one that died..

Anonymous said...

I just feel like this... if you are going to start a blog as important as this one, you should "just do it," or find someone else to help!

Anonymous said...

There's been a thing up on the side asking for help for a while. It even says it will give someone a scanner to help. Can't ANYBODY help?

jcrw said...

I can help big time updating this blog heres my email tigerkick@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous said...

I love the anonymous complaints about the lack of posts. Volunteer or fork over some cash. Otherwise, accept what this is and be thankful that someone does something rather than complain they don't do more.

jcrw said...

time to remove this site from my bookmarks RIP.

Anonymous said...

well they have 4 bloggers and none of them post?

Anonymous said...

Don't start something that you can not do everyday. There are a lot of people who look to you for answers, that is the job that the Blogger started. Do your job, or let everyone know that you can't/won't do it. I look here everyday.
Trust me I am not complaining about this, there are a million other things to complain about in Uptown, this is not one of them! I Was just making a statement!!!!
You (the blogger) were doning something positive... but just like Chicago... it was HALF A#$

Anonymous said...

I disagree, I say, thanks for doing what you can. You could easily listen to your scanner in peace and mind your own business, and we are all glad that you choose to share. We miss you and we're all feeling abandoned! ;) That's all. You have no obligation and we appreciate what you do!

Anonymous said...

7:04 says "do your job". Who's getting paid for writing a blog?
Do your job and make sure I get the correct amount of tomatoes on my sandwich.