Sunday, July 27, 2008

If This is Your Volkswagon

It looks different than it did when you last saw it. Parked on Wilson
near Beacon it was the victim of a hit and run in an Astro Van license
plate 7129508, piloted by a group of very drunk Hispanics. I called it
in to 911 as did the other witnesses and waited 45 minutes for the
police who never came. Sorry about your luck.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Traffic Control

Just another issue to deal with. Police contending with rush hour
traffic in the neighborhood, while trying to retain the integrity of
the crime scene.

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Crime scene on Leland between Malden and Magnolia. Sounds like plenty
of witnesses all giving a positive of on one shooter police still
looking for the other one.

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Police Looking

Police are looking for a yellow construction hat worn by one of the
shooters it fell off when he fled.

Police recall seeing the hat near the scene nut note that it is
missing now.

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Leland and Malden the Crime Scene

Detectives on the radio making sure nobody taken into custody is
allowed to wash their hands.

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Victim Going to Hospital

Victim on way to hospital in critical condition. One shooter in
custody at 1255 Wilson.

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Shots Fired

Beacon and Leland person hit. Two shooters fled north on Beacon.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pizza Delivery-man Robbed at Gun-Point

1300 block of Leland delivery person for Sarpino's robbed by a black male with a gun.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Shots Fired

4400 block of Hazel in the alley. Several callers report hearing four

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Shots Fired

Lawrence and Clark black male walked into Mexican Restaraunt fired several rounds from a handgun and fled westbound on foot down Lawrence

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shots Fired

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Gun Fight

Malden and Wilson I was in my car in the middle of it multiple
shooters emptying there weapons at each other across a crowded street
with no regard to the people in the middle.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy Monday afternoon...

17:30 4750 Sheridan woman cut a man across the throat.  Police on scene, fire responding.

17:37 44xx  Racine, anonymous call about narcotics sales in an apartment building.

17:42 request for additional cars at a traffic stop at Clarendon and Sunnyside.  Plates came up stolen, just the plates.  Possible gang member.

17:45 Police requested at Lake Path at Wilson for a bike vs bike accident with injuries.

17:49 Broadway and Wilson area, female knocking on windows of cars, asking for money.

17:52 unit requests another unit to watch the offender from the stabbing while they go to the hospital to interview the victim.

17:53 The 17:49 incident is coded out as 5 Edward - Perp gone on arrival.

17:55  transporting the offender to district headquarters.

17:59 4355 N Sheridan, at Jewel, drunk belligerent male being held for theft.

18:01 unit from traffic stop at Sunnyside and Clarendon transporting car to headquarters.

and I'm out.  Got stuff to do, and this stuff is happening faster than I can type.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I listen Still

Posting every little event can wear on you. I am trying to enjoy my
summer. I will post important events as I hear them, while it is nice
however let me slack a bit and enjoy life a bit or help we could have
shifts if there were some active volunteers.
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