Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gun Fight

Malden and Wilson I was in my car in the middle of it multiple
shooters emptying there weapons at each other across a crowded street
with no regard to the people in the middle.

Sent from my iPod


Anonymous said...

Is evertone, ( except the gang banngers, who cares about them) OK?

Anonymous said...

I heard the shots-probably 6-8 of them. I was in my condo at the time. I called 911 to report and it looked like the people sitting outside at Starbucks did the same thing. So scary. I walk that corner with my baby all the time. We live at Wilson and Magnolia.

Kate C. said...

I hope you are OK!!

Al Iverson said...

Holy crap, hope you're OK!

chicagocitizen said...

We should contact the investigative hotline numbers of the local news networks to get some media attention about the police refusing to make arrests with eyewitness identification of gangbangers engaging in a shoot out at 3:30 in the afternoon on Wilson. That is absolutely offensive and frightening.

I just noted the Fox News Chicago Investigative Tip Line number - 312.565.8076. If they get enough calls, I would imagine they would be keen to investigate. I am going to call right now.

Anonymous said...

This happened in front of my house! It started with acouple teenagers arguing.. Of course I went to go look out on my porch when i heard this. They seemed to stop.. Went back in my house.. then all of a sudden I heard "Don't do it!" 8 shots fired and the kids ran south on malden.. ahh man craziness. The interesting thing was right after ppl just back to normal not knowing what had occurred 5 min earlier.. i wanted to scream and tell all of them.

james said...

Tips? News? See a shooting?
Contact the Sun-Times Wire Service.

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