Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Leland and Malden the Crime Scene

Detectives on the radio making sure nobody taken into custody is
allowed to wash their hands.

Sent from my iPod


Anonymous said...

I hope these pricks get locked up for once.

Anonymous said...

They won't. Crime? What crime? The only place without crime is heaven.

Unknown said...

People should call the 23rd District at 3127448320 to "follow up" on this crime and put some heat on the responding officers. I frequently review police reports and it is amazing how much more complete and focused to suburban police records are than CPD, which is reflected on the lack of interest many of the police seem to be with making arrests and cracking heads in Uptown. For the record, I am a strong advocate of the CPD. We should also try to get some local media attention on all of this.

Anonymous said...

how about a little fire scarecrow?

The Page's said...

I live at Malden and Leland. I saw the channel 2 news van and a camera man at about 8pm.

Anonymous said...

What many of you should be up in arms about is the fact that the tactical and gang teams, as well as some uniformed cars from "slower districts", such as the 23rd district, are being sent to the South and West sides of the city on weekends and during events. Ask your local alderman why the CPD has been turned into a reactionary police force as, opposed to a proactive force as in the not too distant past. Show support for your local police. It is always easy to Monday Morning Quarterback, but these are trained and seasoned officers that have dealt with these situations before. The judicial system is working against those in the community that wish to rid the streets of those that destroy, cause harm and chaos. If you think the police aren't as frustrated as you are, you are crazy. Go watch a few trials at 26th and California and you will see. Trials are open to the public.

Anonymous said...


We know exactly what you are talking about. We read the paper. We watch the news. We check into secondcitycop.blogspot.com

We know that the cops think J-Fed is inept, the Mayor won't sign the contract, new hires haven't kept up with retirements and that your equipment stinks.


We invite the cops into our homes, we ID people, we do rallies...we want to help. Shiller won't listen to us about the safety of our children much less about helping "the pigs" (not my words but what she would call you.)

WHAT CAN WE DO? Offer some concrete suggestions and the law-abiding citizens of this community would be inclined to do follow them.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that my 2 children use this route to go to and from day camp. Violence like this just does not affect the immediate people involved, but the entire community. My children will now be using a different route or will take a taxi. All I can do is protect my kids and hope that they will one day thank me. I am looking for a different area to reside in as well. It is hard when we are used to things such as school and work routes.

emily said...

I've called weis and offered free legal defense services against the gang moms who can't believe their babies were shot (who we all know will bring lawsuits against the police). I have not received a response.