Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Rally=Another Success

If Helen thinks that her "constituents" don't care, she is hugely mistaken. Today's rally was yet another step in taking back Uptown.

Of course, she wasn't around to address what she's been avoiding, and her baseball bat-wielding staff told at least one concerned citizen to leave immediately.

Despite the absurd 'non-response,' we walked home with smiles on our faces knowing that we did the right thing. And we shall continue to do the right thing...

Thanks to all - and stay tuned for the next rally!


meg said...

Great pics from the event! i wish i could have been there. thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. I wish I wouldn't have had to work.

Anonymous said...

Why do fat women with blubbery arms wear tank tops?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why do fat women with blubbery arms wear tank tops?

June 7, 2008 10:15 PM

Why do idiots point out other's flaws in order to make themselves feel better?

Anonymous said...

That "rally" was lame.

You are all too afraid to demand a meeting with Shiller to voice your conserns.

Instead, you show up like a bunch of disorganized cowards and stand around like fools, with zero press coverage and no response from city government.

It accomplished NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Denise, shouldn't you be working on fixing that weave instead of trolling blogs?

Anonymous said...

I have very respectfully filled out a form and asked for a meeting with Alderman Shiller or her staff before. No one responded to my request. Why should this time be different?

Anonymous said...

Schiller sucks.
Uptown is a dump. I ride my bike down Wilson to the lake and all I see are homeless, mentally ill, drunks, gang bangers and vegabonds.
The whole place should be plowed over and rebuilt.

Anonymous said...

I'm being serious when I ask this quesiton - How does Schiller keep getting re-elected? Who is voting for her?

Anonymous said...

RE Ald Shiller being 're-elected'.. I live in Uptown (Sheridan park) and vote at the school. When I went to vote, there were dozens of homeless and others voting. Outside, the same thing... mentioning they had been 'bused' in to vote. Keep inmind at Christmas, the Alderman's office hands out $10-$20 bills to these same homeless constituents. That's who voting for her.

UptownPits said...

etm the legendary Trib writer Mike Royko wrote about Shiller and her voting machine several times. Her son Brendan is editor of streetwise homeless paper. Homeless are aloud to register anywhere in city 30 days prior to elections. Ever wonder why Uptown is one of only places cabbies can park on street? Some of the cab companies have aggrement they can park on street year long...and in exchange help shuttle in "voters" this army of Streetwise vendors who see Uptown once every few years comes in and re-elects our esteemed alderman. Royko wrote she uses them 10x more than she ever helps them.

UptownPits said...

historically less than 30% of people vote. Didn't you ever wonder why homeless are SOO passionate about the demecratic process. Ya cuz I often here them discussing politics over Natural Lite